Tuesday, January 22, 2008


After making that poll I was wondering, what else could you do on a train/bus ride? What would fill in the "other"? I thought about checking your e-mail. Eating tons of snacks, maybe? Doing your homework (I think that would might go under reading)? I don't know. Oh, here's one: hit on other passengers. Yes, this has been done to me. It was the weirdest train ride home I ever had, but that is for another discussion.



Dwyer said...

Hmm, I guess another 'other' option could be watching a movie if you have a portable DVD player. I've seen passengers on the bus bring those along, but then I am always tempted to sneak a peek to see what they are watching!

yvonne said...

i prefer making eye contact with people and stare them down until they get kinda creeped out and are forced to look at the floor the rest of the ride home....

...or whistling

Kerri said...

How about, making babies? No? That would make for a great story.

"I was conceived on a bus."